星期三, 十二月 31, 2008

Recovered but....

I saw a face this morning that is as black as a piece of rag... Ms K.

星期二, 十二月 30, 2008


I am down with a very bad flu....

星期日, 十二月 28, 2008

Bangkok friends

The two lovely girls, Boat and Bam are here in Singapore for a shopping trip. Came here on sat and going back to Bangkok on Tues, just in time for the countdown to 2009.

Thank you Wendy, Tenny and Winine for accompanying me on the shopping routes. I would be quite bored alone without the three of you.

Also sorry Winine for making you so tired just the evening before your first day of work at Siemens. Hope you will make new friends there so that working time passes more easily for you.

I am going to bed soon too, i have been walking around the malls since 11am.

My legs and feet need their well deserved rest. Good nite.

What a birthday!!

I am elated today. With so many surprises instore for me. All from my dearie cousins. I thought after last year birthday which is a major milestone for me, this year would be plain and i'll simply pass it off.

In the morning, my youngest cousin Jazli called and said "Happy birthday, we love you." I was already very pleased because he is sooooo sweet.

Good friends and colleagues also remembered, they called or text me bdae wishes.

Then afternoon, i received the precious handmade album from Tenny containing alot of my lost memories and the lovely birthday card from Wendy and Winine with something inside which is very useful to me*)

And lastly the surprise birthday song and cake on the 31st floor of Swissotel Stamford hotel, all of you together with Boat and Bam. It caught me off guard totally. I seriously thought Tenny was having diarrhoea in the toilet since she is taking such a long time inside fixing the candle on the cake.

Thank you, the three darling cousins and Jazli. Love you and all the rest!

星期六, 十二月 27, 2008

What a morning!

My boss called me on my mobile this morning... on SAT! First time in almost 3 years. Did i do anything so wrong that he cant wait till Monday?

My heart missed a beat when i see his number on my phone. I was downstairs when he called. So i call him back after i see the missed call.

In the end, all he wanted was to obtain some information regarding a property in SFO.

Wow, scared me!!


One more number added.

星期四, 十二月 25, 2008

Gingerbread men for christmas!!

From my youngest cousin-

星期三, 十二月 24, 2008


This is the sweetest birthday card i have ever received!!

in 15 mins' time...

...Merry Christmas!

I just came back from Orchard Road, after an afternoon of karaoke singing and whole night of shopping with dear cousins. Was caught in the human jam though when we wanted to escape home through the MRT. Had to walk a big round around the construction of ION Orchard just to get to the train station. Only consolation was the train wasnt that packed.

And to celebrate christmas, silly me bought a grande cup of Iced Latte with lots of whipped cream from Starbucks at Eastpoint mall at around 11.30pm. I just felt like having something from Starbucks to feel the christmas mood. I dont know, maybe Starbucks is from the states and that is the country where i feel most strongly during this season. I am having it now as i type.

I also learnt something new tonight. I can get decaffinated drinks from Starbucks. So even if i drink latte at midnight, i can still fall fast asleep....


星期二, 十二月 23, 2008

December treats

From my colleagues:









星期一, 十二月 22, 2008


Second post today...

I dont understand why some people can cut their nails in public especially inside public transport. Their nails are flying all around and it is a health hazard for the rest of the passengers.

What happened if we accidentally swallow the nails? or fly into our eyes? Inconsiderate.


I look down on people who go back on their words.

Especially in work and in a senior position.

How did they climb to that position? By pure luck??

星期四, 十二月 18, 2008


Mr K who has transferred to my dept and is sitting 2 cubicles from me has so much things to talk....

An example:

Today, i was so irritated that i "told" him off. Again so many times already for the past 2 months, he was talking non-stop with my colleague who is sitting next to me.

I just had a meeting in the morning and i want to rush out the minutes before i go off so that i dont forget the important points. While i am trying to summarise and remember what was being said and include them into the minutes, he was beside my cubicle talking and talking.

I thought maybe i will give him 15 mins to finish what he wants to say. Otherwise i would seem selfish. But after 15 mins, he is still very "into" his topic. So i called my colleague on her phone thinking that i can break off the conversation. Finally he walked off to the loo.

After probably half an hour later, he comes back to talk to my colleague again!! Wah lau, i really cannot concentrate and i cannot finish my minutes.

So i started to raise my voice and say "heh you all very noisy leh, i am trying to write minutes. Can you all talk another day? I cant work!"

That stupid goodoo still dont catch my hint. Still talked for abt 5 mins until my other colleague who was with him said that i complained abt the noise so they better stop. Then he became embarressed and got back to his seat.

Actually he is not noisy as in like talking loudly. But he is talking in small, whispering, constant sound and its very irritating. Like a housefly flying near your ears and you cant concentrate on doing your things. I dont know if you have encountered before.

I suspect he is the kind of person that you have to tell him straight in the face. Otherwise, he wont get what you mean.

星期三, 十二月 17, 2008

17 Dec Christmas lunch

Had christmas lunch at my company's inhouse restaurant today.

The menu is as follows:

Mushroom soup
Bun with butter
Roasted potato
Mushroom stuffing
Log cake

All for $12 per person. Not too cheap actually although its quite alot of things to eat. Posting the photos soon.

Still cant feel the christmas spirit even though its only one week away....

星期一, 十二月 15, 2008


Already not in a fantastic mood today. Woke up at 5am yesterday and slept at 2am on the same night. All because of the day trip to Batu Pahat, Malaysia. Not to complain- the trip was fun, we enjoyed ourselves except for poor Tenny who got sick during the car ride. Hope you get well soon.

Anyway, i am very tired today. Was supposed to meet Huiping for dinner, also had to postpone to tomorrow. *sorry

What made it worse was i "genna" reprimanded by my boss before lunch. Ok, i admit that it was my fault. I shouldnt be a smart Alec. I should have cleared with him before i send out the email. I was affected by his frustrated and impatient face. But i had good intentions, thinking that since he is so busy, i should just settled the matter on my own.

Argggghhh, all i wanted was for the day to end so that i can go home and sleep...Zzzzzzz

星期六, 十二月 13, 2008

High school gathering

I met up with my secondary schoolmates today. We had lunch at TCC, terminal 3.

2 of them, i have not met them since i graduated from school. It's a good 15 years?

Anyway, they have not really changed much. in terms of looks. But they are doing quite well in their career. One is in IT and a mother of 2 big boys and the other is in digital marketing. Interesting.

They couldnt remember my name initially although they recognise my face. I must have very low profile in school and also changed quite abit. Definitely not as chubby as schooldays. My dieting efforts worth it.

It's good to update each other. And hear news of other classmates as well.

Merry Christmas my friends!

星期一, 十二月 08, 2008

Workplace roles

This is an interesting observation.

We are like 藝人 in the company.

My manager really acts like our 經紀人, always helping us to schedule, organise our work, what we should do etc. You know, the usual things that a manager does. I dont mind that seriously. He can be quite comical when he is doing that for us.

AND our vp is the 狗仔隊. Always hot on our heels. Chasing us for updates and every little details. We are so stressed up by him.

The previous one never does that. He will leave it to us and even solve the problem for us. Never chase us and he trust us to settle the issue. I miss him!!

星期五, 十二月 05, 2008


Got my 2.55 today. Elated!

Thank you Si yi for lugging it back from Paris.

星期三, 十二月 03, 2008


"You all must think la"

"You must be proactive la"

"You have better EQ than this right?"

Imagine your bosses saying this to you, dont you find it irritating?

He must have think you are an idiot, never think ahead.

I find these people so rude. Even if they are bosses!SO what!

星期日, 十一月 30, 2008

Killer heels

Finally bought my hidden platform Heels. Its not exactly hidden but i guess it's not very obvious. I got it from Charles Keith at a very reasonable price. I hope its not going to hurt my feets.

With that darling, I am going to tower over the rest! Ha ha.

星期四, 十一月 27, 2008

New friend

I am happy cos i find someone i can click with in my office. She is my new colleague, just joined 2 months ago.

She is abit tomboyish, doesnt beat abt the bush, generous, easy going and we have quite abit of common topics to talk abt. Like HK serials, HK celebrities, pop concerts. I think she is slightly older than me.

It somehow ended up that only the 2 of us went to PTB for lunch today. She is very easy to get along with, much better than Ms K. She sometimes offer to bring us out for lunch to Changi Village in her car.

She also doesnt mind letting us take her car and dropping us off somewhere along her way home after work. Nice person!

I think Wendy is right, not everyone can click. I am glad i found a new friend i can click with in the office. Hope Ms k doesnt mess around with this friendship.

星期二, 十一月 25, 2008

My boss is away

He is going away for the next 2 weeks, till 11 Dec.

Had a meeting today on all outstanding matters. He spoke as if its his last day and he is leaving the company for good. Saying things like "he is not indispensable", "we must learn to deal with issues ourselves". I guess he has his own plans. Maybe resign after getting the year end bonus? I dont know.

Anyhow, i hope nothing major will happen during the coming 2 weeks!

星期一, 十一月 24, 2008

I am getting weird

I am beginning to get worried. I don't know if it is due to age but i feel that i am getting more difficult to get along with. Be it with friends, colleagues or even my most beloved family.

I become more aloof, want respect from juniors, not as sociable and approaching. I get offended more easily too.

Help! Why am i turning into a weird character?

Is this part of ageing?

星期六, 十一月 22, 2008

Singapore Flyer

Tonight is the first time i have been to the Singapore Flyer. I had dinner at one of the restaurants there- Seafood Paradise.

Looking up from the ground floor, I am a tad bit disappointed with the flyer. Not very majestic or pretty. Even the photos look average.

But i must say that i am slightly tempted to take the Flyer so that i can tell others that i have tried it before. But on second thoughts, at $29.50 i'll give it a go.

Today is also my first time eating Macaroon. I had it at Bakerzin. Very sweet, i dont really like it. Maybe i can try other flavours next time.

星期四, 十一月 20, 2008

Stupid boss, make me angry again and its not my fault

Feel like giving him a few punches!

星期三, 十一月 19, 2008


Haha, i really must note this down.

My clerical colleague called me early this morning and scolded Ms K "CCB". If you know what it means in Hokkein, its really very vulgar.

What happened was she was in the toilet and saw Ms K. She greeted Ms K good morning but Ms K just ignored her and walked straight into the cubicle!

She was so mad and asked me when did she stepped on Ms K toes?

Although i asked her not to scold but in actual fact, i cant help but feel so good.

爽 man!

星期二, 十一月 18, 2008

Waraku restaurant

Yesterday we had our Monday ladies night at Waraku restaurant, Marina Square. There are total 10 of us, all ladies so that we get 50% of the total bill. The guys are left at home :)

10- Ah ma, my mum, Er yi, San yi, Si yi, Ah Kim, Wendy, Tenny, Winine and myself.

The dinner is courtesy of Si yi. Thank you for the very yummy dinner! We enjoyed ourselves, alot of fun and laughter. It's really nice to have such a get-together.

Wendy- remember to show us the photos soon.

Afternote- Thanks for the photos, here there are:

星期六, 十一月 15, 2008

Divisional Function 14 Nov 08

Yesterday we had our divisional function held at our Sports Club. There are food, beer, wine, table games and lucky draws.

I am part of the organising committee and in charge of food. Had many preparatory work to do- calling caterer, deciding the dishes and confirming attendence.

Everything went well, everyone is pleased with the food, except that it doesnt seemed enough (i have feedbacked to the caterer). Almost of the food were gone, laksa, satay etc. I guess that means the food is well liked and delicious. My new boss said well done!

After the event which ended pretty early at 7.45pm, a few of us from my dept including the new boss went downstairs to the lounge for second round of drinks. Ms K was sitting next to him and she was talking to him alot! :( She can drink very well also. I think she had 5 or more glasses of beer that night. She can still drive home later.

Anyway i am still trying not to talk to her too much. Since she is so cold to me.

Enough of her. I am glad the event went well!

星期二, 十一月 11, 2008


I am back from the Oriental Hawaii.

I saw the abundance of sunlight when the plane landed and that puts me off already. So for the next 2 days, i was worried about getting tanned. Luckily the sky was cloudy on the last 2 days. Hai Kou was even cold abt 25 degrees in the day. My mum and aunties got darker though.

The trip was ok but the place is not as developed as the other cities in China and not as clean in terms of sanitary facilities.

Even the massage places that we went to were not as good and hygienic as those in Bangkok.

Nevertheless, we did have fun. Visiting our village, praying to ancestor, setting off firecrackers (they are really loud), playing mahjong under the shaded trees, having coconut drinks, eating the famous Wen Chang chicken, singing karaoke at the hotel. Btw, Karaoke very cheap only RMB 380 for a big private room and can sing till 2am, includes alot of beer and other beverages.

One minor incident- i got choked by fish bone on the second last night's dinner. We were having steamboat and i think the fish bone was hidden in the corn i am eating. I had such a hard time getting it out, in the process vomitting most of the food i had that night. I am so worried i have to visit the local hospital to get the bone out. The feeling in the throat is terrible, with something hard poking non-stop. Luckily after several rounds of vomitting, finally managed to get it out. This is my first time getting choked with fish bone, i am usually very careful. I certainly hope its the last time.

Here's the photo:

星期三, 十一月 05, 2008

My hometown

Going to Hainan island tomorrow... i was there i think easily 15 years ago with my parents and almost the entire clan. How much has it changed?

I remembered there were alot of coconut trees and nothing much to do.

Hopefully it is no longer the same now. Heard there are nice seafood, massages, manicure, pedicure.. etc.

But just dread the flight, its at 6.30am, which means i need to reach the budget terminal at 5am... AHHHH! My beauty sleep........

星期日, 十一月 02, 2008

Blissful marriage

Tonight's my HK friend, Fion and her husband, Chris wedding night.

I was invited to the wedding dinner in HK but unable to make it.

Nevertheless, my wishes still goes to them all the way from Singapore-

Congratulations and have many babies soon!

星期五, 十月 31, 2008

follow up episode

Ms K took the initiative to talk me just now. It was abt going home time. I am taking a lift from a colleague to Bugis hence did not rush off to take my usual transport.

And she asked me why i am still around in a nice voice.

Can someone tell me what's wrong with her? Am i encountering a split personality?

Silent from now on....

Trying to be gracious, I called Ms K for lunch just now and she ignored me!!

I am quite certain that she can hear me. Idiot!

Happy Halloween!

Today is Halloween and the last day of the month October. Year end, Christmas is coming.

And its Friday somemore! BUT not feeling so good, because of colleague problem again....

Ms K is giving me cold shoulders yesterday & today. Maybe of something i said? Or do? Now i am ignoring her most of the time. Should i try to talk to her? But i just dont understand why i must give in to her!!!

This happens quite often, every few weeks. I know i should not let it affect me but cant help it. Maybe i can consider a transfer to other divisions.. then i wont see her again and will be happier.

星期二, 十月 28, 2008


Very nice HK show, a touching family story with good actors, actresses.

Halfway thru the serial. Cried many times already. And sometimes i am so angry with the villians in the show!!

星期三, 十月 22, 2008

Corn milk

Other than coffee, its my favourite drink at the moment. Only sold once a week at my office canteen. Very thick creamy milk, fragrant corn and its ice cold....

星期二, 十月 21, 2008

Bye and good luck

Heard a sad news tonight. Another good friend is leaving Singapore to work overseas.

All my friends are leaving at one time or another, either for love, marriage or work.

But i hope they will be happy in the new stage of their life.

HP- Wish you success and will see you in Shanghai.

星期一, 十月 20, 2008

SE phone

Got a new phone today. Passed my current phone to my dad.

He is learning how to use... i must say he is quite a fast learner.

星期二, 十月 07, 2008


Thanks for sharing the good news, buddy!

Hope to see you soon.

星期五, 十月 03, 2008

Second day...

The new boss is very onz and serious. Cannot joke type.

I just hope he wont be "neow".

星期四, 十月 02, 2008

1 new boss and 3 other colleagues

My new VP reports to work today. I was away on site whole morning for a handover session and only saw him in the afternoon.

My first impression of him is he is young. Although his actual age is 36 but he looks like he is in his early 30s. He is also quite pleasant looking. But all my colleagues said he is not good looking. Frankly, he doesnt look convincing as a VP. He doesnt look like he has the "liao" to be someone of that position. But let's hope i am wrong.

The other 3 colleagues that start work today were also being introduced to us. 2 guys and a lady. The 2 guys are very young, mid to late 20s whereas the lady is more mature.

Hope we can work well together as a team!

星期六, 九月 27, 2008

Singapore Grand Prix 2008 exciting!

I am now watching the Singapore Formula One race on TV. My dad just came back from City Hall, trying to catch a gimpse of the racing action but to no avail. It is all covered up. Just loud motorcars roaring.

Initially i wasnt really into the race. Just wanted to see those good-looking racers. Heard alot abt Lewis Hamilton, he is ok, but Kimi Raikkonen & Adrian Sutil are gorgeous. Now quite amazed at the sports- fast cars, pretty girls, highend lifestyles...

I am most facinated at the bird's eye view of the lighted race route, with the tall buildings, Singapore Flyer as backdrop. Very pretty.

星期一, 九月 22, 2008

Goodies from...

Get to eat goodies from many countries cos the people in my office travel at least once a year for holidays, more for some of us on duty travel. Especially so for year end December period where everyone brings their family overseas during the school holidays. Chocolates, sweets, cookies.. etc

Michelle just came back from Cairo, Egypt for duty travel. Here's the cookies she bought for us. It is pistachio nuts or pine nuts wrapped with something like fried bee hoon with a very strong buttery taste. Not too bad. She also bought dates, apparently must-buy if travelling to middle eastern countries.

星期五, 九月 19, 2008

This week

Nothing major happened. It had been a event-less week.

Except that Mr K came to my office 3 times this week to "take over" my resigning colleague's work.

Mr K is actually quite a friendly colleague and friend, provided he dont talk too much. ALso asked him when he is coming over to my dept and he said he has no idea too.

Oh another big news is my new big boss is reporting to work on the 2nd of Oct, together with 2 other new colleagues. I hope he would be a nice boss like his predecessor* read my earlier post abt how nice my previous big boss is.

Finally get to see more new faces in the dept.

星期日, 九月 14, 2008

Mid Autumn Festival

Celebrated last night at my Auntie condo, near the poolside. Played with sparkle, see them in the photo? Quite fun.

Had alot of mooncakes this year, especially in the office. Mostly gifts from contractors. I tried those from Regent hotel, Inter-continental, Raffles and of course Li Bai Sheraton Twrs. I felt that the mooncakes from Li Bai this year is slightly sweet.

After note

The name card is now in the trash bin.

星期日, 九月 07, 2008


I am angry. It was like a business lunch.

A name card to me means insincere.

星期三, 九月 03, 2008


News from unofficial sources-

Mr K recently got himself a girlfriend and she is a stewardess!! Wow, he is really something man.

Now we can be friends.

星期日, 八月 31, 2008

Happy birthday papa!

My funny and lovable father celebrated his birthday at Jumbo last sunday.
We had so much to eat and a big birthday cake too.

Mid Autumn festival

Today is the first day of August in the lunar calendar. Finally the seventh month is over, although i was not around for almost half of it.

Now i waiting for the yummy mooncakes from Li Bai, Sheraton Towers & start satisfying my craves. Another good choice is the mooncakes from Raffles Hotel.

I am happy with both. Just give me either!

星期一, 八月 25, 2008

Me again.

Again I ganna quoted by my colleague for things i "said" 3 months ago... it was in " " because i dont even remember the details or whether i said it or not.

My mgr asked me to check with him in future before committing to other section.

Since that colleague asked for details of the site, I somehow would have asked my boss because he was the one who visited the site, not me

Anyway there is no way to argue now. As they say, the boss is always right.

I just have to swallow it no matter who's right or wrong.

星期日, 八月 24, 2008

More photos

Mt Titlis- Switzerland

